Mines Optical Diagnostics for Energy Systems
The MODES Lab (Mines Optical Diagnostics for Energy Systems) resides at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. Research projects are led by Dr. Jason Porter, Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Research projects directly support and are conducted by graduate and undergraduate student researchers. MODES Lab research can be grouped into three broad efforts:
Developing diagnostics for in situ detection, investigation and control of complex energy conversion technologies
Studying fundamental transport and chemical kinetics for improved efficiency and reduced pollution in energy conversion
Modeling radiative transfer in energy systems and diagnostics, with a focus on participating media (absorbing, scattering or emitting materials)
Developing diagnostics for in situ detection, investigation and control of complex energy conversion technologies
Studying fundamental transport and chemical kinetics for improved efficiency and reduced pollution in energy conversion
Modeling radiative transfer in energy systems and diagnostics, with a focus on participating media (absorbing, scattering or emitting materials)
Specific technologies studied include lithium ion and sodium ion batteries (operando electrolyte diagnostics); PEM fuel cell manufacturing; diesel spray combustion (short-pulse laser imaging); thermal conversion of carbon to heat, energy or materials (using coal, biomass and waste feedstocks); hydrocarbon reforming and hydrogen compression; and solar photovoltaic manufacturing.